Females have up to six litters a year of between four and eight young.
Where do they live in the 黑料传送门?
Wood mice live extensively throughout the forest, but are most common in woodland and rough grassland. They are very likely to be found in your garden too.
Natural predators
Foxes, owls and domestic cats.
Spotting tips
Wood mice are generally nocturnal, but you can occasionally spot them in the day. Keep an eye out for small nests made out of leaves, moss and grass, usually under the roots of shrubs and trees.
Not to be confused with
Harvest mouse or house mouse. The wood mouse is bigger than a harvest mouse and browner than a house mouse.
Conservation status
Wood mice are common and widespread throughout the UK.
How you can help
Wood mice will happily make their homes in your gardens. Live a wild area of your garden and plant plenty of wildflowers and berry producing plants as a food source. Create a sheltered area in which they can build a nest.