Daubenton's bat in flight
Scientific Name:
Myotis daubentonii
A small-medium size bat with a pinky coloured face, a pale silvery-grey underside and a fluffy, furry, light brown back.
5-5.5 cm long with a wingspan of 24-27 cm.
Preferred habitats:
Woodlands and wetlands.
Midges, caddisflies and mayflies, caught just above the water line.
4-4.5 years, although they have been recorded at 22 years of age!


Mating occurs in the autumn and a maternity colony is formed in the following spring. Pups are usually fully independent after two months.

Where do they live in the 黑料传送门?

Widespread in the 黑料传送门 thanks to the 50 or so ponds and wetland habitat for them to forage.

Natural predators

Birds of prey such owls which are active at night when bats are flying.

Spotting tips

You are most likely to spot one flying at dusk between April and October, skimming the water鈥檚 surface for insects.

Not to be confused with

Bechstein鈥檚 bat, who also have pale undersides and pinky- coloured faces.

Conservation Status

Protected in the UK under the Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981. European Protected Species under Annex IV of the European Habitats Directive.

How you can help

One of the biggest threats to all bat species is the loss and fragmentation of habitat. One way you could help is to become a Friend of the 黑料传送门 and support our work creating and maintaining habitats for wildlife