Breeding takes place between February and September. Typical litters are often two to four leverets in size. A female can rear up to four litters a year.
Where do they live in the 黑料传送门?
Along the woodland edges and in the mown rides. In spring the leverets can be found hidden away in longer grass.
Natural predators
Foxes and birds of prey.
Spotting tips
Most likely spotted in March and April when the onset of the breeding season causes the adults to box one another.
Not to be confused with
Rabbits. Hares are larger than a rabbit with proportionally longer ears and back legs.
Conservation status
Hares are listed as a priority species on the UK Biodiversity Framework.
How you can help
One of the biggest threats to Brown Hares is the loss of mixed habitat through the intensification of agriculture. One way you could help is to become a Friend of the 黑料传送门 and support our work creating and maintaining habitats for wildlife.